J. Atacama, Inc.

245 West 104th Street, New York, NY 10025




Thank you for visiting our website.  I am Chihiro Atacama.

I was trained by my father, Jei Atacama, and we come from a family of many generations of practitioners of Oriental Medicine in Japan.  My father started this new treatment modality on November 8, 1996 when he discovered another level of intelligence within himself.  Since then, the modality of our practice has been entirely based on life as energy.

We heal people and their life problems through our life’s intelligence of self-creation/production which we call, Inochi, or Life Intelligence.  We are healing ourselves [and all of our life problems], and all of our clients, by activating the same intelligence in them.

At the onset of my father’s professional practice, his wish was to come up with one medicine for all illnesses. The awakening of our Inochi-Life Intelligence is the realization of that dream.

With our own Life Intelligence, we activate the same intelligence in all lives. To keep it simple, I say to my clients, “I increase life in you and your everyday life.”  This is the gift I have to share with you, to heal you and your life.

When you come for the healing with me, just rely on me, and know that by doing so, you are relying on a part of your own intelligence of self-creation you don’t know about, and it’s okay.

Being sick is hard.  But until you know, it’s even harder to be healed, because you don’t know how to completely trust in something or someone you don’t know.

Trust in life more than anything, and you, yourself, are the only reality of life that you are.  Trust in your origin, and discover the intelligence of your creation.  I represent it, because it so happens that your origin is also mine.  We can talk about that when you are all well.

Health of the mind, health of the body, and health of the heart - nothing else matters to me as a provider of healing, and my commitment has been, is, and will always be 100%.

Our one and only medicine is your own life’s intelligence of self-creation, which I awaken and keep awakened, and you are to decide your own commitment to our work together - to rebuild and strengthen your health.


My treatment modality is entirely spiritual, and it’s done on a daily, weekly or monthly basis depending on the severity of your ailment.  We call it “LIFE-ING” and have been treating this way since 1996.  You begin in Lifeing with a Private Consultation/Counseling Session on Zoom, FaceTime, or in person, to see and talk to me-your healer, but that is not required.  As long as I can connect to the patient-receiver, I can begin the Lifeing for him/her.

Call our office at 212-744-3270, and make an appointment for any sickness at any stage, or any other problems.


Atacama Healing Water (AHW) is spiritually empowered spring water.

Everybody has an ailment, or more, in action or in hiding, and the ailment can be physical, mental, or emotional, which can be new, old, or even hereditary.

AHW activates and strengthens Inochi/Life Intelligence in you, which activates the brain function that is responsible for the healing.  In other words, the ingestion of my healing water makes your brain your own healer, and as far as my experience is concerned, there has never been a more complete and thorough healing.

AHW is ingested either on a prescribed dosage, or just 3 tiny sips x 3 times per day.


We offer a specific service to grow and promote our clients’ businesses. 

I spiritually empower your business to increase its life, which is your income. 

If you are interested, please call my office, and ask for more information on my Spiritual Business Consulting.

Inochi Necklace